How To Increase User Engagement For Your Mobile App?

  • By Aakash Soni
  • 12-05-2021
  • Misc
user engagement

Mobile app development isn't something that can be done in one go. The ultimate result is the outcome of many phases. However, after all of the steps have been completed, the result is an application with some very nice features and looks. But, why is it that, despite making all of the requisite efforts, a small percentage of applications struggle to keep their users engaged?

The number of applications on the market has grown to the point that businesses are struggling to keep their customers engaged long enough to attract them. User engagement refers to how many hours a week or month your customers use your app or how frequently they use it.

Since interaction grows throughout a user's trip, a sincere effort to improve it necessitates increasing frequent product use at any step. A strong emphasis on communication and user interaction will help you beat dissatisfaction amongst your current customer base by keeping them informed about product updates and identifying issues before they become major issues.

Why is user engagement important?
User acquisition is meaningless without interaction since retention leads to return visits, and returning visitors are more likely to convert. It's pointless to acquire users if they don't engage with the application after downloading it. You can never expect your application to yield the results you want without proper user interaction. Mobile app engagement and retention are two indicators that offer real insight into an application's performance. Low app engagement and retention spells doom, while high engagement and retention spell success.

Ways to increase user engagement

App developers compete in a cluttered market where customers have a lot of options. More active and loyal app users would result from increased interaction and retention. Let's take a look at some of the ways you can improve user engagement with your mobile app:

● Onboarding should be perfect and customized
Providing a smooth onboarding experience will help reduce abandonment rates significantly. The first screen of your app is your best chance to woo, inspire, and finally win over your customer so they'll keep using and engaging with you. If your app needs a user to create an account before they can interact with it, make sure the onboarding process is enjoyable and easy. Otherwise, they may become discouraged and refuse to provide personal information. As a result, conversion, engagement, and retention levels will suffer.

● Use in-app messaging
Messages that appear inside the app are referred to as "in-app messages." This makes them immediately visible and, if done incorrectly, it can be very annoying. In-app messages may be used during the onboarding process. As an instance When a user first opens the product, a message explaining how to use it may appear. Make sure your message is simple, clear, and entertaining. Don't suffocate the users with technical information. Instead, use short, descriptive material.

● Push Notifications
Apps that go silent for an extended period of time are likely to be ignored and ultimately deleted. That isn't to say you should spam users, but you should consider sending them relevant push notifications that will persuade them to return to your app. Push notifications can now be highly customized and personalized, making them even more important. They will significantly increase app interaction if performed correctly. However, if you send push notifications too often, you will lose app users.

● Personalization
One of the most critical elements of a compelling application is mobile personalization. Personalization allows users to have a more personalized and relevant experience. The more closely an app's experience matches a user's expectations and desires, the more likely they are to use it again. Personalizing by using the user's name on screens and in messaging is easy, but going deeper to ensure that push notifications are hyper-relevant to the specific user is where personalization shines.

● Incentivization
The quality of the app determines the level of incentive. Giving consumers a reason to use the app will go a long way toward increasing interaction and retention. Conversions and interaction can be aided by mobile-specific incentives, specialized content access, discounts, exclusive promotions, and other offers.

● Target audience research
It is important to thoroughly examine user ratings and reviews of the app. If you want to withstand the fierce getting rivalry, you should conduct market research and explore before preparing to create an app. It is necessary to pay close attention to the feedback. What are users' thoughts on the app's pace and performance? All of this information will aid you in conducting a SWOT review, which involves determining the app's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You may create an app that is more directly targeted at the core audience.

● Encourage two-way interaction
Consumers want to build relationships with brands, and they want to feel admired and appreciated in particular. This is why it's critical to establish a two-way communication channel. Messages assist apps in gathering feedback, resolving consumer issues, and gradually improving product functionality. Responding quickly to questions and complaints would increase interaction and retention, promote favorable feedback, and foster long-term brand loyalty.

Today, the aim is to keep customers engaged to create brand loyalty, not only to download the app. App interaction and user retention are just as critical as user engagement. Converting users into loyal, long-term customers would help the app produce more profits by increasing the average lifetime value. Adding new features and customized content to the app regularly will keep users entertained and engaged. All of these engagement-boosting strategies must be assessed in the context of what makes a great app that stands out in the market.


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Aakash Soni

Aakash Soni, an ace of all trades and is the Operational Head at Auxano Global Services. With 8+ years of experience in rendering effective IT solutions worldwide, his management and technical skills have led Auxano Global Services to become the Leading Mobile App Development Company. He also loves sharing his insightful thoughts and technical viewpoints

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