8 Captivating Instagram Post Ideas From Successful Brands On Instagram

  • By Sarah James
  • 27-08-2021
  • Social Media
instagram ideas

To promote your brand, you have to post good content. Great posts promote your business while also captivating your audience and offering them something to share with friends.

However, simply posting any photos or video clips wouldn't be sufficient. You'll have to think out of the box by presenting your audience fresh and innovative content, which they probably won't find elsewhere.

And that could be a daunting task, particularly when more than 95 million pictures and videos are shared to the platform daily. Therefore, what would you post on Instagram to keep your audience engaged every day?

It barely matters if you run a business that is either small or big. This article lets you find eight unique post ideas for you. Remember to share every post with a purpose. On the other hand, if the article concepts fit your brand and you believe you can nail it, go with it!

1. Pose a Query to your audience
By posing questions, you could encourage followers to share suggestions and views on any topic. These insights from the audience can help you understand better how to create content in the future.

If you pose the right questions, they could even assist you in developing new ideas for brands. For instance, imagine you run fitness coaching; you may ask about their everyday struggle in the gym. The response from your audience could help you create a lot of new content, which includes new products, posts, and much more.

2. Share a Demonstration Clip
Audiences and readers benefit from effective digital marketing as it serves them with valuable and entertaining content. And that is why tutorial videos are very much famous on social media platforms. Businesses could use Instagram posts to deliver quick tips on any topic.

3. Put Up Behind-the-Scenes
Do you want to humanize your business? Share what is going on in your office. By showing them your office culture or making a product, you could make them engaged with your content.

Post a fun moment at your workplace. It could be a staff member's work, a dog resting on an office couch, or playing music during work time. Look around your office and try to figure out how to display your workplace to the audience.

4. Conduct a Ask me Anything (AMA)
An AMA is a perfect way to get connected with your followers instantly. It could also be a way to post opinions on any topic relevant to your brand and help build engagement. Put up a post asking questions from the audience and reply to them in the comments section below.

While they could ask any queries and you don't have to answer them all. The idea is excellent if you were an influencer or if your brand has someone who owns thought leadership in your company.

5. Share helpful Thought Leadership
Posting thought leadership is an excellent way to showcase your brand as an excellent source for opinions and trends. Thought leadership includes valuable tips, hot takes, or tutorials on a topic. When you post such content, the audience looks at your brands as a trustworthy and relevant source, which is an advantage for engagement and brand originality.

6. Post an Interview of an Industry Leader
Coming up with insights from trendsetters and thinkers might benefit greatly for your audience. When you bring in a big shot in your industry, it is sure to grab a new audience and gain high engagement.

7. Make use of a Trend
Memes, trends, and challenges are great ways to get entertainment and relevance to your brand. You must avoid doing something that hurts or harms your brand, like a challenge to eat detergent or in taking too many spicy foods. You could post a funny meme, or-if possible; you can design one. When you create a meme, make sure it's engaging to the audience.

8. Post-User-Generated Content
User-generated content is pictures, videos, or texts shared by people using your products.

Such types of content are likely to get more auto likes on Instagram, meaning you gain trust from followers and drive enormous sales. It is sure to gain engagement with your followers by displaying the content that they made for themselves.

It lets you show appreciation for them mainly when they showcase their content using your product. Taking up content directly from your followers and engaging with them is an excellent way to create content for your brand's feed.

I hope this article helps implement different ideas to grab people's attention and develop your business on the platform.

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Sarah James

 is a Content Writer at VoxCorp with more than 8 years of experience in Social Media Marketing. In her free time she loves to talk with her friends on food, travel and ancient culture.

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