Staff Augmentation vs Managed Services What's Better & Why

  • By Rashi
  • 08-02-2024
  • Software
Staff Augmentation

Business owners must make many tough choices to guarantee that deadlines are fulfilled and operations run smoothly. Selecting between managed services and personnel augmentation is one such decision. Grasp the pros and cons to choose the best strategy for your company effectively. Consider specific factors unique to your business. Staff augmentation aligns well with your existing workforce's skills, while managed services offer cost-effective technical expertise for specific tasks. This article will delve into both models, helping you decide the outsourcing method that aligns with your business strategy and organizational requirements.

What Is Staff Augmentation?

The main objective of staff augmentation is to assemble a team as soon as possible to compensate for your company's labour shortfall. The staff augmentation service model should allow you to help your technical team without hiring additional permanent staff members. Temporary hires, known as resources, will relieve you of administrative and human resources burdens while you grow your staff.

It is feasible to use both full and partial staff augmentation models. There are situations where an enhanced team can fully replace the current workforce. When constructing the augmented team, consideration is given to the project requirements as well as the diverse skill set of the group.

The augmented staff will free up your time to attend to other business-related matters since they can also manage and coordinate tasks.

Advantages Of Staff Extension

Some benefits of staff augmentation are listed below:

1. Adaptability

By rapidly obtaining the necessary skill set of resources, you can solve personnel shortages resulting from unanticipated circumstances. If the resources cannot meet the intended business objectives, you also have the option to substitute them right away.

2. A reduction in management issues

Staff augmentation lowers the risks, management, and internal procedures related to directly hiring more employees. You will not handle any of the associated baggage but remain actively involved throughout the process, access all pertinent information, and make all final choices.

3. Economical

It's a financially advantageous temporary option because staff augmentation eliminates the need to pay full-time salaries and benefits. Additionally, you may save a lot of money on payroll because you'll only hire dedicated developers for the duration your team requires.

4. Enhanced Output

Because the employees you hire focus only on the project you need them for, staff augmentation increases the efficiency of your company. They work hard together, attending to the little things and treating your project as their own. They also give full-time employees who might be lacking some good competition.

5. Simple Access To Unique Ability

When a software project calls for specialized expertise, staff augmentation may quickly address a lack of skilled workers, giving you an advantage over competitors by producing the most cutting-edge goods and offering the best services.

6. Quick Turnarounds

Staff augmentation comes in helpful when you are operating under time constraints and deadlines. It helps you do the work more quickly and effectively without sacrificing quality.

Drawbacks Of Adding More Staff

There are two sides to every coin. Let's examine a few drawbacks associated with staff expansion.

Employee Education

Your additional staff members will need to be trained and oriented on the company's internal workings. This may take a lot of time, which would slow down the project's current pace.


Staff augmentation has the potential to quickly supplant conventional hiring practices due to the benefits and convenience it offers a business. You might become overly dependent on this service model by depending too much on one third-party source. When contracts expire, this might leave a knowledge gap inside your company.

Only Appropriate For Urgent Needs

Services for staff augmentation are only appropriate for temporary hiring requirements. This "quick fix" strategy may not be the best long-term solution as it diverts attention from building a solid foundation for your staff. Hiring an internal staff would be more economical if your company regularly needs resources to carry out long-term tasks.

Total Cost Over Time

Despite being less expensive initially than hiring permanent employees, using a staff augmentation team might cost you more in the long run. You can get the best possible outcomes by using staff augmentation strategically and on time.

Managed Services: What Are They?

Managed services refer to an outsourcing model in which external organizations are tasked with developing or managing a complete system, task, or function. It's another effective technique for expanding your company because it covers a full-time employee position.
These businesses will relieve your company's difficulties and spare you from the labour-intensive tasks of recruiting and onboarding internal staff members thanks to their skilled team of professionals.

Additionally, managed services might be beneficial in some situations. Managed IT services may be helpful if your business needs a specific technical output, but you cannot be heavily involved in the process. Companies with evolving and long-range objectives may also find it helpful.

Benefits Of Managed Services

There are advantages to managed services, and we'll focus on the most important ones.

1. Time-saving

You may better manage your time by employing this technique. After outsourcing your product to a managed services provider, you may concentrate on future growth and opportunities, freeing you from concerns about meeting project deadlines and intermediate deliverables.

2. Skillful Administration

Throughout the project, the supplier monitors your organisation's business models and procedures and ensures that all relevant tools and resources are available. The managed services provider handles the project's planning, development, and management by assessing risks and developing a workable strategy.

3. Economical

Managed services are the most economical outsourcing model since they let you engage an entire team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals with the tools and resources they need to work on your project for the least amount of money. This services model never stresses the employing firm because it's usually focused on paying for what you utilize and the amount of work accomplished.

4. A Chance to Develop

You can offer the best quality on time and save significant time and effort if a team of specialists completes your assignments. And it merely denotes the growth of the company and contented clients.

5. Releases Resources

By utilising managed services, you may free up your internal staff to focus on more critical activities. This lowers staff turnover and fatigue while also increasing productivity.

Drawbacks of Managed Services

The following are some drawbacks of using managed services for companies:

Complete Access To The Data of Your Company

When you utilize a provider's services, you must grant access to sensitive information about your business. Nor is there another way out of this. Therefore, if you want to improve the dependability of this procedure significantly, you should exercise caution while selecting a service provider and only place your confidence in professionals with a track record of success.

Adjustable Expenses

Selecting managed services increases your dependence. If your managed IT services provider fails to meet your expectations or goes out of business, you may need to work hard to locate someone else. In any case, it might hurt your business.
This often entails investing more and starting the employment process anew to onboard a new company, which raises the project's cost. Additionally, the fixed cost of the newly engaged managed service provider's services may be more significant.

They Might Not Meet Your Needs

When you collaborate with an IT service provider who does not consider your essential business demands, you limit your efficiency and capacity to grow. This suggests that if you hire someone without the amount of experience needed for your company plan, you will squander time and money.

How Do You Choose Staff Augmentation?

If you need quick help or a temporary fix for a new or current project, staff augmentation is for you. This is an alternative to think about if you desire total control over the creation of your items.

When making wise judgments, staff augmentation will bring you a degree of personal accountability that managed services cannot match. Ensure the staff you select is knowledgeable, skilled, and has a solid portfolio of qualifications.

The best time to use staff augmentation is if you want to start a side project. You wish to expedite the release of a product. For your project, you require a cost-effective recruitment solution. Some of your initiatives require a team to work on them for a set period. You require a group of temporary workers to support your internal permanent personnel.

When Should Managed Services Be Chosen?

Suppose you lack a qualified project manager and cannot handle regular management. In that case, you must locate a reliable, highly experienced managed services provider to take on the obligation on your behalf.

Furthermore, suppose you are willing to delegate responsibility to a third party. In that case, you must be aware of the potential risks related to this model and know how to correctly record contracts to prevent being let down by expectations and results.

When is it necessary to use managed services?

  • You can afford to pay a third party to manage your firm, even at a hefty expense.
  • You wish to assign another business to complete a job or project management.
  • You need to hire permanent workers for a long-term project but don't want to obtain it.

As you may have noticed, staff augmentation and managed services differ significantly, making it difficult to choose just one. Your needs have a significant impact on the response.

These kinds of IT outsourcing spare you the time and headache of looking for the experts you need to produce your products and achieve your company objectives. However, many businesses hire staff augmentation providers since managed services are less flexible and demand that you give up specific controls.

Because IT outsourcing businesses offer some top resources, you could have tremendous success employing augmented teams rather than having traditional in-house personnel for your IT requirements.

In What Ways Can Glasier Inc. Support Your Needs for Staff Augmentation?

Glasier Inc. is an outsourcing business that offers services for personnel augmentation. To give company owners a smooth and reliable outsourcing experience, we use a stringent development process, a bespoke project management platform, and a rigorous screening procedure.

Glasier Inc., a platform for companies of all sizes, works with our outsourcing strategists to find competent candidates for your long- or short-term projects, mitigating the risks associated with the hiring process.

The hazards associated with outsourcing are numerous. It's possible that you don't know the prospects you will hire or whether they share your worries about the calibre of the finished project. And Glasier Inc. is always the right choice to help you with these problems.

Glasier Inc. is the best staff augmentation provider for all of your developmental needs because of the following:

A. Very Skilled Group

Share your project details and the ideal candidate profile. We'll handle the rest for short- and long-term projects, ensuring that skilled professionals cater to your needs.

Glasier Inc. has a committed group of highly competent and qualified programmers and developers that will benefit and assist in training the current staff. We often provide training sessions and seminars to raise the calibre and effectiveness of our development teams.

B. Strict Inspection Procedure

Glasier Inc. follows stringent screening procedures to choose suitably competent individuals to work on your project. Specialised solid skill sets and the capacity to comprehend technical concepts technically are highly valued in candidates.

We employ people and do technical assessments on the chosen candidates to ensure they follow your business plan, utilize internal resources effectively, and help your company grow.

C. Offering Growth Approaches

When you work with Glasier Inc. for staff augmentation services, we thoroughly analyze your business model and operational procedures to develop the optimal plan for the growth and development of your organization. After this, we search for capable individuals to implement these tailored tactics.

D. Evaluations of Quality Performance

At Glasier Inc., we conduct regular audits to ensure that your projects constantly use the finest and most modern methods available. To enhance our services, we also hold feedback sessions. Your needs will determine how frequently these audits and feedback sessions occur, and regular reports on them are distributed to all stakeholders.


At some time, every IT company could require the services of an outsourcing provider. However, different problems require different strategies and frameworks for software outsourcing. If you're looking for a short-term solution that requires people to join the team immediately and cover specific gaps for a constrained period, consider staff augmentation. Flexibility, economy, and tight teamwork are a few advantages of team augmentation. We at Glasier Inc. may dedicate ourselves entirely to your project by using staff augmentation. You may thus approach scope and priorities with more mobility and control.

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This Blog is Published by Rashi

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