The Best 10 Angular Components 2022 To Build Cool Web Solutions

  • By Juned Tagline
  • 07-07-2022
  • Technology
angular component

AngularJS developers of the world, take note – we’ve got some great resources to help you build the best solutions in 2022! With the new Angular 2 framework coming out, more and more developers are thinking about what the future holds and what technologies will be most useful over the next few years. Here are 10 of our favorite components that we think will be at the top of everyone’s lists in 5 years time.

1) Material

A component, in computer programming, is a reusable software package. A component has an interface for plugging into other components to add functionality. The component may be self-contained and/or modularized to encapsulate code and content from other developers or applications. If your website development involves business owners and clients then you will love using angular because it is a very useful framework as it enables you to create single page applications with ease.

2) Forms

How do you build forms with a framework like Angular? Well, there are some best practices that you should follow. First, for each form and input field, use a custom HTML class so that it can be styled easily. Next, make sure your validations have their own form model rather than using built-in validation directives from NgModel . And finally, use custom components to layout your forms and break them up into small building blocks; this will help in understanding how your forms work as well as maintainability. Let’s look at an example of what we mean here. We have a simple contact form with inputs for name, email address and telephone number as well as predefined values for email body text.

3) Date picker

One of those components that has become essential in almost every single application. The angular native DatePicker is pretty basic and it doesn’t bring many additional features, but if you need to use a date picker on your website, then you should probably choose it. As an example we’ve built a custom date picker called datetimepicker which brings many more features and improves default design with bootstrap-based themes. You can check its code on GitHub here . It’s open-source so feel free to contribute or use it as a library for your own project! In our demo, it looks like below

4) Flexbox layout

Flexbox is a new way to design web pages and user interfaces. If you don’t already use it, there’s a chance you will soon—if not now. And if you do use it, there’s a good chance that you are still not using it correctly. Because of its tricky syntax and confusing properties, Flexbox has been slow to catch on. But now designers everywhere are coming around to see how much easier their lives can be when they fully embrace flex layout for responsive web design. In fact, usage of Flexbox increased almost 25% from 2016 to 2017, according to BuiltWith data.

5) Ngrx store

Ngrx store is a collection of various state management patterns built on top of RxJS powered by ngrx/store. It's an independent library from the ngrx framework, however it does depend on the ngrx-store-provider package for making use of reducers and selectors (even if you want to use @ngrx/entity). Ngrx store offers a more complete set of state management functionalities than ngrx, yet it doesn't contain some high level logic that integrates with angular and is independent of any particular state management library. In most cases Ngrx stores will be much easier to get started with than NgRX itself.

6) PWA

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are basically websites that have been built to make use of modern technologies such as JavaScript and Service Workers. What makes them progressive is that these sites take advantage of new features in order to provide a unique, mobile-friendly experience for users. For example, PWAs can be added to home screens so they look like native applications; or, if you’re using Google Chrome, it may even download a site directly from your browser instead of sending you out to their domain when accessing their homepage. If you want to build cool web solutions in 2022 that allow users to get in and out without any hiccups on multiple devices, check out the best 10 Angular components!

7) Layout manager

Grid-based layout systems are a key component of any web design system, as they can be used to arrange components on a page in an easy-to-understand way. The most popular grid layout manager is CSS Grid, which is supported by modern browsers. Fortunately, there are tons of CSS libraries and components that add support for it - angular ngx-grid , angular ionic-grid , bootstrap... Of course they all differ slightly in terms of features or syntax, but they all aim at being easy to use and integrating seamlessly with your framework. Give it a try!

8) Snackbar

The snackbar is one of those neat components that you didn’t even know you wanted until you saw it in action. The first time I used a snackbar was when I stumbled across an incredible YouTube tutorial on how to create a tool that can change between multiple applications on a Mac, all with just one click! It also includes an awesome progress bar which reveals itself when it detects a user has scrolled down enough. Now isn’t that cool? Well, maybe not if you don’t know what it does; but trust me, if you want to add something similar to your own web application or website then look no further than Angular developers snackbars!

9) Google maps integration

What if you could have an interactive and engaging map on your site that gives users a quick way to find nearby businesses, points of interest or transportation. Enter Google Maps integration—if you're looking for an easy and powerful way to display maps on your site, look no further than Google Maps API. The Google Maps API provides a fast and lightweight solution that can be easily added to any existing web application. It's ideal for creating custom applications such as business directories, real estate listings or event listings—or simply adding location search functionality to an existing website.

10) Image slider

Image sliders are useful for presenting groups of images. It’s a quick way to show a lot of information without overloading your visitors with too much text or complex design. You can create them using either JavaScript or CSS, and they are often used as advertisements on single-page websites since they have good conversion rates. In short, it is a great tool to have in your technical arsenal if you want to show off a lot of images in no time at all.


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Juned Tagline

This post is published by Juned Tagline

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