What is The UX Design Process: 5 Steps To Happier Users

  • By John
  • 10-11-2022
  • UI UX Design
ux design process

Whether you're new to UX, an in-house digital marketer, an agency owner, or part of a company struggling in the modern digital world, achieving a robust UX design process can seem like a daunting task. increase.

The UX process itself is very flexible and dependent on many different situations, with different product teams implementing the process in different ways. When designing a UX interface, there may come many questions in your mind. What design process do you use? How do you get started? How many levels are there? So let’s discuss what shall entail in the designing process:

1. Gather inspiration
UX design is all about making the user's product experience as good as possible. Its purpose is to direct people to websites of interest. And we're there to make the process of going from our homepage to purchasing a product as easy and enjoyable as possible. is to understand how we can help them. There are many techniques that empathize with this process.

2. Define the User Now that he knows who he is designing
, the next important step is to flesh him out. You should create a prototype of your user or buyer persona. After getting all the information of the user, proceed to the landing part. It's a difficult stage for some. Its purpose is to refer behavior to his biography, personality, branding (brand of interaction), emotional factors (motives, goals, problems, expectations) and other interesting information to better identify them. To do.

3. Idea Generation
As in the early stages, to resolve doubts and confusion at this key point, you need to focus on possible solutions to the problem and have a vision of what you want to achieve.

You need to have a clear vision of what you want perhaps you can present the Archetype and Storyboard to get a clearer picture. 
Always test your ideas on your team members, friends or family to get best knowledge of user experience during the design process.

4. Prototypes and Flowcharts
At some point you may have had to prototype manually or digitally, and you may have gotten used to it quickly.

It's also important to look at your sketch from another angle and share it with others to see how they interact with your product or service offering. This nuance helps us see our ideas in a different light. Remember that this stage is often the longest.
flowcharts can also be used for this purpose.

5. User Testing
UX testing is an important part of the process. This key point works in conjunction with the previous point (wireframe). This stage is ideal for eliminating, iterating, and improving upon problems or difficulties presented by user prototypes. Before interviewing users to validate your prototype, you should create an interview guide. The interview guide will address various points such as:

1. Welcome speech.
2. Hypothesis and objectives.
3. User knowledge questions.
4. Assigned tasks and timing.
5. Search problem.

This is useful for remote testing. Part of the user testing process is to provide a presentation that shows all the results, behavioral patterns, hypothesis testing, goals, behavioral patterns, and next steps.

As your business and product continue to grow, you will repeat all the above steps from scratch: research, analysis, design, validation. This is one of the common processes used by organizations with a digital background. Depending on the size of your team and the early stages of your product, you can find different approaches and scales. Once the product is large enough, it presents various challenges as well. B. How to maintain the design, how to keep the process valid as the team grows and the product becomes more complex, etc.

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John is a passionate content writer at Krystosoft.com. He loves to travel and sleep :)

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