Why use Laravel to develop web-based apps faster?

  • By Nithya Iyer
  • 13-04-2023
  • Web Apps
develop web-based apps

In the digital universe, the high performance of business web apps is equally proportional to online success. The performance revolves around how fast the web application loads or respond to user requests across a multitude of devices. In the web application, the performance completely counts on the programming languages and frameworks used to engineer the application.

In the evolving technology landscape, Laravel- PHP framework emerged as an excellent framework that provides all the tools in the developers’ toolbox that enable rapid web app development. That’s why, businesses opt to hire laravel developers for accelerated web app development. And, at the same time knowing about Laravel extensively is equally important. In this blog, we will understand Laravel in brief, Laravel features, combinations of Laravel frameworks for web app development, and how Laravel is advantageous for web development. Let’s dive in!

What is the Laravel framework?

Laravel- the PHP framework created in 2011 by Taylor Otwell following elegant syntax that adheres to PSR-4 guidelines. The open-source framework based on MVC architecture seamlessly integrates with AZAX calls and ensures website security with ample features.

Simple syntax and best coding practices reduce the web app development time and cost. With a low learning curve, Laravel developers can build complex applications quickly. The plenty of features make it the favorite of leading brands such as Alison, Laracasts, October CMS, Invoice Ninja, and Deltanet Travel which embraced the framework to power the web apps rapidly.

Nearly 0.13% of total websites that’s 135,822 websites are built using the Laravel framework. It’s used by different industry verticals worldwide but its penetration is highest in the USA with 14,020 Laravel websites built by US-based businesses.

What are the features of the Laravel framework?

Out of all frameworks, the Laravel framework has a unique set of features that differentiates it from other PHP frameworks and that’s why leveraged by tech titans at scale. The PHP Laravel features are-

Template engine

Laravel framework facilitates intuitive UI development at speed using a range of inbuilt templates that are lightweight and enable faster development. The wide array of templates fits the need for various website UI design needs and dynamic content. Also, the slew of widgets is provided by the Laravel framework that can be incorporated using CSS and JavaScript.

Artisan CLI

Repetitive programming tasks eat up a lot of time for the developers which hinder their productivity. Artisan is a command line tool that’s inbuilt into the Laravel framework which allows developers to work on the important aspects of programming. It’s utilized mainly while creating database structures that help in flawless migration.

Built-in testing

Laravel framework allows developers to check the web app performance with unit testing. The explicit testing method eliminates all the small errors of the code modules without much ado. The best part is the unit test directories cannot access databases or other services when they are used for web app testing purposes.

Eloquent ORM

Object-relational mapping is made possible through Eloquent ORM that’s facilitated by the Laravel framework through PHP Active Record incorporation. It allows developers to build a web app using PHP syntax rather than writing SQL code.

In-built Libraries

Laravel framework has a set of pre-installed libraries that are organized into various modules which helps in building user-friendly, responsive web applications. The set of libraries allows businesses to make changes in the application at scale.

MVC architecture

Laravel framework has an MVC architecture that separates the application’s logic code and presentation layer. It ensures when changes are made to application logic, they get to appear on the user interface directly while users remain unaware of what’s going on behind the scene.

Regular updates

The framework is taking great strides with constant updation in relation to modern web app development trends. It’s enabling outstanding experiences for the users and enormous opportunities for businesses to innovate business applications. For instance, in a recent Laravel upgrade, Laravel leveraged by developers to build the app for six platforms without a single glitch.

Reverse routing

Laravel reverse routing defines the relationship between links and Laravel routes, which makes web app development more flexible.

Database seeding

Data seeding is a process of storing data in the database. Laravel database seeding is all about Laravel’s capability to see the database with the initial set of data through seed classes. The seed classes are stored in the database to easily populate data.

Multiple device integration

Futuristic approaches like- multi-contact, multi-sensory, or multi-screens are expected to be a reality in the years to come. Laravel framework has the capabilities to make it done with multiple device integrations. Laravel enables the best user experiences across desktop, mobile, smartwatch, Mac, and others while ensuring the app design remains appealing and intriguing.

Automated testing

Manual testing won’t allow web applications to get a cut above the competition. Automated testing as opposed to manual testing are faster and provides accurate results. Thereby developers can build impeccable and secure applications that are free from bugs or crashes.

Session data validation

Data validation rules are defined in the Laravel framework that is applied through the ValidationRequest trait to control HTTP requests and auto-identify errors in the session data.

Support file system

Laravel has provided various file systems that developers can leverage based on web app development requirements. The developers can use a local file system or cloud-based file system and change the options to meet the web app’s needs.

Multilingual web app

Laravel allows businesses to appeal to a wide range of audiences with multilingual website development. Businesses can localize their products or services with the help of Laravel which enables accessing strings in different languages using the trans () helper.

Migration system

Laravel framework facilitates migration system to create everything under database structure such as indices, tables, and more. Also, PHP language is recommended to use in place of SQL for web app migration.

How Laravel is an ideal choice for faster web app development?

PHP Laravel framework is packed with a range of functionalities that brought a lot of business benefits in using Laravel for application development. Here are the reasons that tell why Laravel is a go-to option for business web apps to build a web app much faster-

Authentication and authorization system

An authentication and authorization system are vital to keep the business website safe and secure from third-party users or fraudsters. Laravel configures the authentication system brilliantly with an authentication library that’s pre-installed with a set of features such as encryption, password reset, Bcrypt hashing, check active users and cross-site request forgery protection. Besides, controlled access to resources when enabled by Laravel, no other than authorized users can access systems.

Shield the web app against vulnerabilities

The frauds leave no chance to manipulate the codebase or introduce malicious code when they can crack the codebase. The possible security threat to the codebase such as SQL injections, CSRF, cross-site scripting, or others is prevented by the Laravel framework through the advanced codebase. Presently, technical vulnerabilities are also fixed with cloud integration that stores and secures data at scale.

Seamless integration with mail services

The mail service setup is an essential part of every business web app that generates user interactions and resolves user queries. Laravel framework has Swiftmailer library that facilitates mail service integration which allows users to set up a new account and get informed for every activity. The library makes API configurations for every email account straightforward. Going forward, it provides SMTP, Amazon SES, and Mandrill-like drivers that allow sending messages rapidly through local services.

Intuitive UI engineering

The responsive UI with a brilliant design is more captivating and creates an indelible impression on the users in the long run. Laravel facilitates intuitive UI development with a blade template engine that provides a range of custom options to craft graphics-rich UI for web applications.

Optimal performance

URL routing involves displaying the link’s content right on the current webpage in place redirecting the users to another link. Laravel eliminates the waiting for page loading with URL routing configuration. The built-in configuration automatically defines identifiable and accessible routes to load the page content right away.

Schedule task configuration

Scheduling custom tasks at the system level is a tedious job that consumes a lot of time and resources. PHP Laravel provides Cron Job which is a built-in task manager that configures and manages the tasks in a user-ambient manner. Also, following Cron Job syntax is not essential for scheduled task configuration and management.

Blockchain integration

Secured web app development is a need of the hour. The businesses give much credence to securing transactions and safeguarding critical data storage. Blockchain technology integration with Laravel web app development is the latest trend in 2023. Blockchain, being a decentralized ledger makes payment processing, acceptance, and trading safer in Laravel web applications. Its potential is not yet fully explored but is yet to be realized for secure web app development.

Message queue system

In a synchronous workflow, the web server executes the work order and responds as soon as the request is received. All of these requests are handled and processed by a web server in the background. Laravel handles the requests and their responses with built-in message queue systems wherein requests get queued up and tasks are run in the background one by one.

IoC container

Handling and managing class dependencies is quite a task for developers. Laravel framework features an IoC container that takes care of class dependencies and resolves classes automatically with no configuration required.

IoT integration

IoT devices transmit a large amount of data, which needs to well manage and process for better outcomes. Laravel web apps are a great fit for business applications that involve IoT devices’ data management. Laravel best package the IoT device-generated data and helps in making the most out of the data.

Route caching

Route caching is the unique feature of Laravel that boost web app development speed by allowing developers to view the changes during app deployment. However, route caching won’t display the changes in real time which makes it difficult to view the impact of modifications done in the application.

Which Laravel framework combination is a go-to option for web development?

PHP Laravel framework alone delivers amazing results, but when Laravel framework is used in conjunction with other frameworks, the outcomes will be stunning. Take a quick look at the popular Laravel combinations.

Laravel and Node.JS

Node.JS eases the web app development process with powerful backend creation that renders high performance regardless of spikes in traffic. Laravel takes lead in intuitive and intriguing UI/UX design engineering. The combination of Laravel and Node.JS allow responsive app development.

Laravel and Angular

The rare combination of Laravel and Angular frameworks makes web app development responsive and high-performant as the need to load the complete page is not required. Angular power frontend and Laravel powers backend which makes app development easier.

Laravel and Vue.JS

This combo is a compliment for web app development because Laravel is known for appealing UI development and Vue.JS enable frontend development with no page reloading required whenever the app is updated. Vue.JS ensure web app performance remains unaffected despite load increases with the help of virtual DOM.

Closing Thoughts on Laravel for web app development

Laravel- the world’s #1 PHP framework leveraged by leading brands globally for web app development at scale. PHP Laravel enabled building a compelling web app easier and faster regardless of the size and types of the web apps to engineer. It’s a good fit for enterprise web app development due to the right mix of Laravel messaging queue, dependency execution, and Laravel events.

The binding capability of the framework with millions of views proves that a framework is a go-to option for large-scale app development. With caching and database separation from the web server, the app security gets enhanced. The in-built testing tools help in making the web app better by analyzing users’ behavior while using the app. Artisans allow running tasks iteratively. Laravel routing facilitates SEO-friendly web app development.

All in all, Laravel helps in crafting a secure, stable, and scalable web app, which is easy to modify as per the market trends and technology progress. Also, the web app brings success to the business with improved searches. This way Laravel is a complete package to get built outstanding web applications.

Don’t hang fire! Instill the benefits of Laravel in your web app development and get business needs served brilliantly.

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