Why Choose Laravel For Web Application Development

  • By DC Kumawat
  • 01-04-2022
  • Web Development
why choose laravel for web application development

The framework of choice for many web development teams is PHP. One of their top choices happens to be Laravel. Laravel's detailed syntax and elegance have sparked a rapid uptake. This framework has been adopted by several global brands due to its flexibility and ease of use. We will explore the benefits of Laravel web development for your website in this article.

To reach out to their audiences, companies are increasingly turning to the internet. Inherently, workflows should be designed to allow businesses to undertake the buyer's journey jointly with visitors. This journey can be made more successful with optimized workflows. Many options exist when it comes to choosing a framework. The ideal framework will allow the website to offer the best quality and functionality. It can have a significant effect on your revenue.

In order to reduce the time and effort involved in developing a web application using plain PHP, frameworks are being used more and more. A number of frameworks work well out of the box today in today's fast-paced environment. In recent years, Laravel has increasingly become the default choice among web developers when it comes to developing large and complex applications.

Laravel Framework: What is it?

We will begin by taking a closer look at the Laravel framework. PHP technology is used and graceful syntax is followed adhering to PSR-4 guidelines, which can speed up development. Developers find it very useful and it provides a variety of features necessary to create a web application that meets the audience's needs.

Various database entity models can be displayed through Laravel's Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. Most developers can easily access it since it is an open-source framework. Laravel streamlines the process of developing a faster, more secure web application by simplifying authentication, caching, routing, etc.

Laravel Framework: Why You Should Choose It For Web Development?

In other words, why has Laravel become the PHP framework of choice? Firstly, let's review the features that make it one of the best choices for web development.


In addition to being open source, Laravel facilitates complex and large websites. It is easy for developers to create using multiple templates and requires a small amount of resources as well. It is simply a matter of using PHP and an editor. The framework came into play when the existing one failed critical security features such as authentication and authorization.
Even though an open-source framework, it receives periodic updates, increases its capabilities, and can be customized based on the requirements of businesses. During the past few years, it has advanced steadily and has established itself as one of the most popular frameworks for developers. Additionally, a number of ready-to-use applications and routing middleware can simplify the process of codification.

Using The Blade Template Engine / Laravel Blade Template:

Laravel comes pre-installed with the Blade template engine. Using a text file, it is able to manage data and source code as well as manage performance. Users may also generate files with conditional statements using a mechanism available to them.

When Blade templating engine determines if the section is content-rich, a directive is used. The directive provides shortcuts to control statements. Curly brackets can be used to display a variable's value when a developer needs to display the value quickly.
Implementing a project environment built-in

Laravel web development is characterized by its integrated project environment, which makes handling the project simple and straightforward. The coding process is structured, allowing programmers to work on complex projects without hassles. Thus, developers are able to write code for various projects that they manage easier.

The lengthy programming effort is streamlined by straightforward coding for diverse workflows. Laravel reduces costs because it is so easy to develop. Additionally, coding processes are faster, and projects are completed on schedule thanks to Laravel.

A MVC Based Architecture

The MVC architecture of Laravel makes it easy for developers to code web applications in a structured manner, which is one of the essential benefits of the framework. A robust application can be built with the help of it. An application is divided into three layers, i.e. Model, View, and Controller, as its name implies.
PHP frameworks ensure a separation of the presentation layer from business logic. MVC architecture allows improved documentation and transparency of projects. Furthermore, it simplifies some processes like sessions and authentication that are commonly used. Therefore, the website is scalable and fast.

The Community Driven Library

It has a number of libraries both in-house and from third parties. The availability of these libraries for this framework can help organizations reduce the time and costs associated with developing websites. The classes and codes are also accessible in a very short time thanks to the pre-written codes.

A number of important features are enabled, such as CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) security, password resets, and encryption protocols. A tool called Eloquent streamlines the process of getting data. By forming relationships between the various tables, you can quickly link the different items together. A number of helper functions can also be accessed by the users.

Support For Testing

During any web development project, testing is one of the most critical steps. A client must specify all use cases before a code can be written. With Laravel Dusk and Selenium, Laravel provides excellent testing support for making sure the code is bug-free. Moreover, it supports automated testing as well as unit level testing.

The developer can test the application thoroughly by creating use cases based on audience behavior. The integrated web application can be tested for each component and feature to ensure that it performs as expected. A developer can run both the site as a whole and each individual function at the same time.


Admins need to check the security box first. Further, websites that process online payments and store user data must consider security. A number of security features are built into Laravel. As an example, it helps prevent CSRF, CSS, or SQL injections. Moreover, the codebase is very well guarded because several developers use it.

No malicious code can enter the Laravel codebase due to the framework's security. With CSRF tokens, anyone who makes a minor change can be protected. In addition, passwords are salted and hashed. A hashed version of any password is also generated by Laravel using the Bcrypt Hashing algorithm.

Suitable For A Variety Of Applications

Laravel development services can run a wide variety of applications. Online retail applications, for instance, lend themselves well to the Laravel framework since it enables faster customization, flexibility, and stability. It is also suitable for component-based distributed systems and can handle highly complex workflows.

In order to sustain their complex business objectives and plans, the industry giants require a robust framework to support their web development plans. This is where Laravel comes in. The platform is also recommended by several web developers. Furthermore, this is supported by research, as well as the ease of building a small website using this platform.

Support of All Types

Support is an integral part of any development framework. There are free and paid video tutorials available at Laracasts. Various aspects of its usage are covered in these tutorials for developers. Documentation is also available so that you can learn more about the commands and syntax.

Its open-source nature might make you worry about its support mechanisms. Yet, its community has a lot of passion and helps each other when they need it. For this reason, you can ask several people for assistance if you feel that you need it in any area.


Choosing a robust and secure framework for their company's website is a difficult task for web administrators. For a project to be successful, they need to choose a framework that is easy to configure and doesn't take a long time to complete. For this reason, Laravel is suitable for a variety of applications and suited for building high-performance websites as well.

There are many inbuilt security features in Laravel that make website development easy. Furthermore, the framework is scalable and can handle a large amount of traffic. Find out more from the leading Laravel development company today. Speak with one of our experts!

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DC Kumawat

This post is published by DC Kumawat.

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