Know Some Interesting Facts About Video Storytelling

  • By Benjamin Teo
  • 19-03-2020
  • Misc
video storytelling

Visual storytelling
No matter the decade where we are, corporations always have been interesting in connecting with the audience. The connection with the public is critical to corporations because on this depends the success of any company. But this connection, in the current era, acquire greater importance because the publicity which is currently handled is through social networks, websites, blogs, and any kind of media that works with an internet connection.

As the internet world involves, people of marketing are going to search for more tools to call the attention of the audience of every age, culture, and likes. In this search, they have found the storytelling that consists of the tell stories to connect with the feelings and emotions of the customers.

With storytelling, the corporation can create a special link with its clients. This strategy works so well that marketing creates something new to create a bigger impact, visual storytelling. Visual storytelling is the same as storytelling but with images.

Visual storytelling includes photographs, short videos, memes, and more with the objective of call the attention of the consumers for the corporations can increase their incomes. This is the reason why all the corporations are including this strategy to their companies, they move the social networks around the strategy of visual storytelling.

The success of this strategy has happened because the social networks are on the top, and the social networks that are based on visual content are more popular like Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and YouTube. Besides according to researches, brain process the images faster than text, the content more visualized by users is images, of all users of use internet almost 1 watch a video per day, and people remember more what they see than what they hear or read.

Based on these facts, we bring you here some advice and tips about visual storytelling. With our help, you are going to be capable of creating content of quality that impacts every person of the audience what you want to reach.

Elements of visual storytelling
So that the visual storytelling works at the way it supposed to, there are some elements your publication has to have to create a link with the audience. In this way, your images are going to transmit the message you want, and your corporation is going to have to success you are looking for.

First of all, one crucial key to visual storytelling should have is authenticity. The authenticity in your visual storytelling is going to call the attention of the public and your corporation will be better known. This happens because when someone is browsing in a social network and look one image, video, or visual content, at the first view, if he/she sees that the content is repetitive, he/she is not going to pay attention and you are going to lose your time.

On the other hand, you cannot forget to include culture in your images. With culture, we mean diversity. With the past of time, our society turns into a multicultural society. For this reason, our content has to be directed to all cultures and break the old and retrograde stereotypes that society usually has. In this way, if you create visual content that involves everyone and all feels identified with the images, your publications are going to create the link with the audience that you want.

Then you have made people participate with your content. When you include the public into the publicity you strengthen the bond with them. In this way, the marketing is in the hands of the consumer because they with their interaction are going to share the content with their friends and the name of your corporation is going to be known in every place in the world.

The most important of your publication, although it sounds weird, is not your product. The principal protagonist has to be the people. People have to be the protagonist of the history you want to tell because if they do not feel they are part of history, they are going to lose interest in the product. The connection that someone creates with the image of your product can be very strong, and this connection is what makes the public spend money on your product and not in the competition.

Importance of social networks in visual storytelling.
Social networks play a role in almost indispensable to get the most interaction. But you must adapt your content to all the different social networks. It is not the same use Facebook than Instagram or Twitter.

Besides, all these social networks have features that make them special. For example, on Facebook, the short videos have a very good interaction with the users, but users prefer Instagram to post photos and it has too many filters to call the attention of users.

Based on those features, your corporation has to create different visual storytelling and Video Creation to every social network. In this way, every one of your publications is going to create the impact you want, and your corporation is going to be at the top of the lists.
The most important of all is you as a corporation has to let your imagination and creativity take control of your posts. Keep your authenticity and never lose your essence that gives to your corporation that special sparkle that another corporation does not have.

You do not need to contact an expert person in digital marketing because if you follow our tips is going to be easy for your corporation to increase your followers and always be trendy. First, keep it simple, and then start to increase the level of your posts.

The most important thing is the feedback, you may think your posts are the best but, the likes and views say the opposite. For this reason, always be attending what is looking for your audience to give them all that they want. you must remember the most important is the client and your corporation have to be at the forefront. If your publications are in the past and your audience in the future, the success of your corporation is going to be too poor. Firstly, find the best android and ios app development company for your business app.

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Benjamin Teo

Benjamin Teo, at SCM Asia offers video production to visual content creation on different platforms for the world of digital contents, commercials, promotional based in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

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